Supporting Disaster Recovery with Modern Micro Utility Services

Sep 3, 2020 | Disaster Recovery

Micro Utility Setup for Water Services

When an unexpected disaster strikes, there are many long-lasting effects that impact communities and recovery teams.


Whether it’s a hurricane sweeping up the east coast, or a raging California wildfire, there are significant losses and a long list of problems that need solving.

The disaster recovery process doesn’t happen overnight, and it requires a ton of resources, personnel, and time.

Advances in technology and mobile utility services can be used to support the communities dealing with disaster, and the teams of people helping them.




Taking the first steps in disaster recovery

Disaster Recovery Setup With Large Water Treatment Equipment

Dealing with a major crisis or disaster requires people to take immediate action, and taking the right first steps will set up the rest of the process for success.

The first steps of disaster recovery happen even before the disaster occurs.

Being well prepared beforehand makes a recovery more manageable and reduces stress among leadership and their teams.

The Red Cross provides some great tips on how families and individuals can be prepared for different disasters.

Some of their suggestions include:

It’s equally essential for community leaders and recovery organizers to be familiar with the available resources.

The mobile utility services and resources that WaterFleet provides are available and deployable 24/7 in the case of an emergency.

Mobile Utilities Setup Showing Portable Water Equipment

Knowing what’s available before you need it is an essential part of successful disaster recovery planning.

There are a variety of ways that WaterFleet can support communities after a disaster.

One of those ways is by supporting the support teams that come rushing into disaster areas to help.




How can a micro utility help disaster recovery teams?


The disaster recovery team experts head into the area to help with power restoration, insurance claims, emergency medical care, personal services, etc.

They often stay in temporary camps set up in the disaster zone working long hours for days and weeks on end.

These teams arrive on-site at a moment’s notice and often forgo the simple comforts that are easily taken for granted.

Clean drinking water, ice, actual flushing toilets and temperature controlled break areas, along with the necessary, but often not talked about, wastewater treatment on a micro-utility scale can be delivered to these responders in the challenging locations in which they serve.

The WaterFleet team uses state-of-the-art technology to provide the essential resources of running water and wastewater treatment for these camps.

By providing resources like clean drinking water, ice, wastewater treatment services, and potable water for showers and hand washing and cooking, these utilities can help those that are helping others.

The recovering communities then have less trash (from bottles of water), less traffic from hauling bottled water and wastewater, and less strain on their local resources.

Recovery teams are often dealing with limited resources and harsh conditions. Providing teams with advanced support allows them to sustain their recovery efforts, and helps relieve some pressures.




Water treatment and delivery

Water Rig on-site With Large Tanks

Clean water is one of the most essential and immediate needs. A hurricane, wildfire, or tornado can quickly limit clean water access for extended periods.

In most situations, bottled water is the go-to solution. Sometimes that’s the only option, but it’s not the best option. Using excessive amounts of bottled water can lead to large amounts of plastic trash buildup. With the Water Rig, clean drinking water and ice are made readily available.

The Water Rig does not rely on using thousands of plastic bottles, and the state-of-the- art water cleaning system is monitored 24/7 to ensure the water is safe for everyone to drink. Additionally, it is extremely mobile requiring only a three-quarter ton pickup truck to pull it to remote or challenging locations.




Distressed facility support

Distressed Facility Support Featuring Water Rigs

Facilities often have back up generators to provide power during an emergency, but what happens when the water supply disappears or enters a “boil water” notice? 

WaterFleet can use the Water Rig services to produce potable water from the primary or a secondary source and pressurize it into your facility to bring a building, store, or medical facility back on line.  




Mobile break rooms and relief stations


Most temporary cool down areas offer limited relief from the outdoor conditions, and recovery teams are often working in areas where the disaster is continuing. These conditions can compromise the health and productivity of workers, extending the relief process.

The mobile relief stations that WaterFleet offers, like the RAFT, provide a comfortable environment where necessary breaks can be enjoyed. Additionally, The RAFT includes real men’s and women’s restrooms with flushing toilets, temperature control, and clean running water for washing your hands. You can say good-bye porta-potties, and “Hello” health and well-being!




Emergency medical support


The RAFT is also an excellent support for deployed emergency medical providers. Finding a space that is clean and comfortable for people can present another big challenge. The break room can function as designed, or be configured as an intake space. It includes refrigerators for medical supplies or food storage, usb ports for charging devices, along with ice, water and full service restrooms.

Being able to avoid the harsh conditions helps people cope with the mental and physical stress that comes with a disaster. Most disaster relief resources are put together as quickly as possible and don’t usually offer the best quality. WaterFleet is committed to providing people with that they need—a clean, comfortable environment fitted out with the newest technology.




What about wastewater?

Reclaimer Rig System for Water Reclamation and Reuse

Wastewater treatment is a part of our civilized and developed world – thank goodness! But in a remote location, temporary camp or disaster area, access to a working wastewater treatment plant may not exist, often forcing the use of portable toilets that have to be pumped out every day. The Reclaimer Rig is a micro-utility wonder providing on-site temporary wastewater treatment. The resulting water can be safely stored or discharged, reducing truck traffic, smells and most of all, the dreaded porta potty. With potable water produced by The Water Rig, The RAFT or The Reliever providing proper restroom and break experiences, and The Reclaimer Rig processing the resulting sewage, the camp experience is dramatically improved for our recovery responders!




What can I do to help?


If you are in a position to organize disaster relief resources, first know that WaterFleet appreciates everything you do, and we’ve made it our mission to help you as best we can.

One of our top goals is to bring awareness to our systems and their benefits.

We are ready to deploy 24/7 to provide the assistance that areas hit by a disaster need.

If you want to take the initiative and start planning ahead of time, make sure to connect with us.

And, in the case that you need immediate support, connect with us through email or by phone with the link below.